Nan's Journey

A poem about my Nan's travels

Nan’s Journey

What’s this I hear
Nan is off on her travels again
Without fear she set’s too
Checking on the how and when

With her trusty case packed
With all that she needs
Just a few new books
And her best necklace beads

Whether boat, car, plane or train
Her adventure starts
Excited and waving farewell
As she departs

Somewhere new to explore
Bringing her such pleasure
Adds to her vast knowledge
And memories to treasure

All around the world from east to west
Seeking to fulfil her lifelong quest
Wonders of the world at her fingertips
Soaking up all of the history it gives

Each journey brings new ideas
Of where to go next
Now she’s home safe and sound
Just as said in her text

With stories to tell, and photos to view
She amazes her friends with all that’s new

Reminiscing whilst drinking a cup of tea
Happy that she’s come home to her family